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But these baths do schedule men-only hours Thursday (12pm-5pm) and Sunday (8am-2pm) and the clientele is known to get quite busy. In fact, they’re typically co-ed European style venues. Turkish and Russian baths are not at all gay. Don’t let the “kid friendly” Yelp reviews scare you off. Northern Men’s Sauna & Health Club (3361 Farrington St.) in Queens.

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It also has a reputation for a “more diverse” crowd. West Side Club (27 West 20th St.) is another two-star facility on the edge of Chelsea, with facilities and options nearly identical to its cousin across town. Lockers, showers, steam and sauna are the amenities. The East Side Club (227 E 56th St.) on the east side of midtown carries a rating of two stars. Les Hommes (217B W 80th St) Located on the Upper West Side, a $10 admission sends you through a turnstile, and then the rest is up to you.

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